Monday, January 14, 2008

that kind of day

Today has been that kind of day.
In fact, the weekend was pretty much the same.
One step forward, two steps back.
Last night I was going to blog, and check a few of my favorite places only to find that our internet connection was kaput. Earlier in the day it had been working fine, of course. I had just settled into the sofa all cozy and ready to stay put. No internet. I know a thing or two about re-establishing the connection. Trial and error has made me proficient at it. I'm not an expert or anything, but I can ususally do it by myself.
And because my husband likes to do things the hard way, the router is in the basement ceiling. (Right where you would expect to find it, I know.) So I go to reset the connection, and the modem has no power going to it. Dead as a doornail. Who knows why it chose to die at that moment. So until I dragged my sorry butt to Radio Shack, there weren't gonna be any internets. Phooey.
I woke up this morning intending to spend the day with Kelley, and instead felt like crud becasue I didn't sleep well at all last night. I had terrible cramps for starters, and the tickle in my throat has returned. I couldn't stop clearing my throat or coughing. This in turn gave me horrific heartburn, which made sleeping near to impossible. To make up for my lack of sleep, I slept until noon.
Yeah, I said noon.
I'm unemployed, remember?
To cap off my day of fun I bought Emma two pair of pants that don't fit and need to be returned (naturally), bought a new adapter plug, cleaned up the shattered remains of my new Ikea clock,
(who knew glass could fly that far?), reset the router, dug out some bins of hand-me-down jeans, cleaned cat poo off the floor, and made dinner.
I know you wish you were me. Admit it.
And just because nothing is better than shopping to cure what ails you, I bought a bathing suit today. You can stop laughing now. My hot tub suit is practically transparent. It was needed.
So here's to tomorrow and do-overs, and plastic clocks & the magic that is the internet.


Emily said...

love that clock! ;)

Anonymous said...

kay your rant is scaring me. I promise to not scare any other folks. I will still do lunch with you no matter what...

SAR girls said...

Here is to better days, my friend!

Kache said...

holy crap!
and what happened to the clock