Thursday, February 28, 2008

cookie day

cookie day, originally uploaded by dogglips2.

here is a glimpse of what cookie day is all about.
There are 2 semis to take care of all the cookie orders in our area. That is a lot of cookies. I would attempt the math, but I think my head would explode. There is a lovely group of teamsters who load the boxes into your car. Which is a good thing, because there's NO WAY I could get 75 cases into my car. It's like an intricate jigsaw puzzle, but they got every last case in there.
Then I bring the cookies home and lug them into the house, or this time, the garage. I figured why bring them all the way in, when I would just have to carry them out again? And why did it take me 4 years to figure this out?
Next, I sort them into the girls' orders. I count and double count, and hope that there are as many boxes of cookies as there are supposed to be. Usually this works.
The moms & girls pick up their cookies. Everyone is happy.
And then I get to rest.


Anonymous said...

See now, I would eat all the cookies then die before actually even getting home.

Erica Hernandez said...

Holy crap. I got fatter just looking at the pics :p

SAR girls said...

Cookie heaven! :)
I think I need your hat, my friend...well, maybe one just like it!