Saturday, April 12, 2008

note to self #412

When the nice barista at Starbux offers to give you an extra (fourth) shot for free in your iced caramel macchiato, think twice before accepting.
Even though you order the drink at 2:00 p.m., it's so strong that it will grow hair on your chest, and therefore you will nurse it for many hours. Add more milk every time you take a sip, so that it's tolerable.
The drink will last you throughout the afternoon and into the evening.
So later on, when you are lying in bed at 3 a.m. and you can't sleep, remember that your 2:00 drink turned into a 7:00 quadruple shot of espresso . Peel yourself off the ceiling and promise not to take that extra 'free' shot.

1 comment:

Kache said...

Holy crap, 4th shot>
Were you still drinking it at 7pm the NEXT night?