Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 14-17

OKay, so I haven't really been into updating daily. At this time of year, there is a lot of stuff going on, and I am trying not to include non-Christmas related doings in my December daily. So therefore, some days are really dull and not worth posting anything!
  • finished another knitting related Christmas gift...this one for Evan. All of his hats have cartoon characters on them, so I thought I would make him a more 'teen' hat that matches his coat. I love it. I hope he likes it. I hope it's not too tight. I have 2 more gifts on the needles. Knit knit knit.
  • the big brown truck of joy has been by several times recently. I am worse than a kid when packages arrive. If I didn't actually enjoy going to the store from time to time, I could easily shop for everything online.
  • one of my new ornaments this year. Some of you may recognize it from Sharyn's blog. It's my third carved ornament, and I am hooked. HA! I really love them.
  • I am sitting here in front of the tree, enjoying the glow of the lights and the far-away voices of my kids down in the basement. You might notice that my cat Ben is under the tree. He takes up near permanent residence under there until we take it down. He is the main reason I can't put presents under the tree until Christmas Eve. Yeah sure, the kids would manhandle them and shake them and sort them into piles, but Ben is a ribbon destroyer and package sitter-onner. NO package is safe from him. One of these days when he is no longer with us (and I don't even want to think about it), I will have packages with lovely, elaborate bows that everyone oohs and ahhhs over.
  • Christmas cards are done and mailed. Horray!
  • Still no snow in Southeast Michigan, although it is very cold. Will we have a White Christmas?
  • Restarted my ice lanterns. Like Sharyn (see above link), this year I am putting cans and things in the center to create candle space. Last year I only did it in some, and I had to use hot water to make a candle space. And all my stinkin' buckets cracked. So I have gallon milk jugs going, and one bucket. I am going to find some other things that I can fill with water and make a bunch more. Last year wasn't cold enough to have any before Christmas. I am excited!
  • I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of school for the year. Truthfully, I have been laying low and taking advantage of all the 'me' time, because after tomorrow, it's pretty much gone.

1 comment:

Jen on the Edge said...

Evan's hat turned out so great. I absolutely love it.