Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have just spent the most relaxing, wonderful 7 days in recent memory.

Let me tell you, if you are unlucky enough to get cancer, you want to be married to a guy like Bart. Since my first mammography, he has been 100% supportive and generous. With tender, caring words and quiet actions, he has been my rock through and through. I don't think I would have handled the whole ordeal nearly as well without him by my side. He's been patient with my tiredness and constantly reminding me to take better care of myself.
Just when I thought he couldn't be any more wonderful, he sends me to Florida for 7 days of mandatory rest and relaxation. I didn't know that I needed to rest any more after taking it easy for 8 weeks, but I did! 7 days of only focusing on myself; of not thinking every minute about who needs what/needs to go where. Of not planning meals. Of not catering to the dogs. Of not tending the homestead. It's been heaven. Our last vacation with the kids was not relaxing: this was just the opposite. I didn't have to keep anyone entertained. I didn't have to keep track of their whereabouts. I didn't have to listen to "I'm bored" even once.
I have to say thanks also to my Dad & Carol, who have catered to my every whim and made this vacation possible. I am so grateful for the time you've given me to get back to me.
I am one lucky girl.


Jen on the Edge said...

Fabulous. I'm glad you had such a nice time.

Sue said...

So happy that your getting plenty of rest, and isnt it nice to have a supportive husband who looks after you so well. I hope that your health improves 100% Sue so that you dont have to experience that ordeal ever again.