Wednesday, March 5, 2008

other FO

** not an actual baby. It's my old Cabbage Patch doll modeling for me.

(although I have to say, my niece Olivia wasn't any bigger than the doll.)
The blanket is 25" x25", knit from corner to corner. It's very soft and cozy and hopefully will be well loved by my new niece, who thusfar has been stubborn in coming out.

I knew I wanted to photgraph the blanket some way other than just flat... it doesn't really show  the piece to it's full potential. And I knew when I was cleaning out the closet in my scraproom that this basket would come in handy for, something. Put two + two together and voila!
The bad news, although not wholly unexpected, was that Savannah 'discovered' the basket last night and has been sleeping in it.Like I'm ever going to be able to sneak it away from her now.

And! It's yet another snow day! I know my memory sucks, but we certainly didn't have this many days last year, and I would be willing to bet the year before too. I know we didn't have this much snow. When I was a kid, I think we had maybe 5 snow days my entire school years. We went to school, and we liked it (said in my best crotchety old man voice). Right now the troubled twosome are 'playing cards' in the basement. There is a lot of yelling going on though, and they aren't playing Yahtzee. I'm trying to tune it out. Ohhhhmmmmmm...
Emma had a 5th grade musical scheduled for tonight, so they will have to reschedule it. Goody gumdrops, I get to be treated to another day filled with songs about the colonies and the revolution. And don't forget Yankee Doodle.
Have a beautiful, sun filled Wednesday.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I love the blanket!

Today I learned that you and I are both Aries. =)