Sunday, November 27, 2011


I have posted one time in November. That is an all time low for me!
I have taken even fewer photographs. I don't know why I don't think to take more. I have to get better at that again! I used to love to take pictures.
Anywho, here's a run down of what we've been doing this month:
  • November is a big birthday month. Evan, my Mom, my Stepmom, and my Mother-in-law all have birthdays in November. We ate lots of cake.
  • We hosted Thanksgiving. I cleaned house for 2 days and Bart did 99% of the cooking. It was a nice day. Food was delicious and everyone was happy.
  • Evan played futsál every weekend.
  • I continue to go to the chiropractor several times a week. My back is feeling pretty if I can just get my neck to co-operate then I will be great!
  • Leaves. Lots and lots of leaves. At our house. My dad's house. My mom's house.
  • My etsy store has been busy! I have been knitting pretty constantly to have items in stock.
Add in all the other everyday stuff a mom does, and it's been busy around here, but not too crazy. I like November for it's pared down schedule.
Less than a month to Christmas. Holy Cow!

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