Monday, July 7, 2008

fourth weekend

This weekend was truly lovely...the kind that makes you glad to be alive. The weather was picture perfect. As if someone knew we wanted to have a pool party. So we did! All the grandparents gathered at the Snitgen's for our traditional 4th of July pool party and eat-a-thon. We kept things simple this year, dogs & brats, a few salads. Pie. Lots of pie. Pie from Grand Traverse Pie Company. If I ever doubted Bart loved me, I know he does now!

This is the response to "Give me a nice smile!"
Evan & Hans, my in-laws puppy.
Bart bought this ginormous beach ball and the kids had a great time trying to land on top of it. Even a few of the men tried it. I'm smarter than that. Especially when there is a camera lurking nearby. Thank you, NBC and 'WIPEOUT' for the gut busting laughs.
Emma & Grammy Cozy
Evan and sparkler. Bart bought a small box of fireworks, and they were totally underwhelming but fun for the kids. I think every year they get smaller and smaller. Fire, good!
The rest of the weekend was spent doing yard work and more yard work and a little painting of Emma's room. We got the first coat on, but it totally needs another coat. Phooey.
Hope you had a good weekend!


Sue said...

Sounds like you make the most of the warm weather doesnt it. I wish ours was a bit warmer too, not hot though. We have been having lots of rain the past 2 days which we really do need so I shouldnt complain.

knitting elephant said...

I love the pic with Emma and her grandma--the type of pic that'll be cherished later on. Glad to hear you had a wonderful 4th weekend with family!

Anonymous said...

Your weekend sounds much more exciting than mine-- glad that you had a good one!